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Registration date:  29 Aug 2023
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Biography: Drinking one cup of coffee a day is enough to make your teeth develop a yellow hue. Tannins break down in the water and are absorbed into your enamel, where they can accumulate if unchecked. They do not discolor teeth, but they allow other staining agents to be absorbed by the enamel and dentin. It is important that you take good care of your teeth. To remove coffee stains from your teeth, you can choose to brush with activated charcoal toothpaste, floss regularly and rinse with mouthwash. It???s a scientific fact that coffee stains your teeth, and I???m not here to argue with science. The chemical compositions of coffee and tooth enamel are pretty well fixed. But I am here to tell you there???s no reason to give up coffee to preserve your pearly whites! Coffee yellows teeth, that is the bad news. The good news is that baking soda is here to help! Combine a few drops of hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of baking soda, and stir the two together until they form a paste. Using a toothbrush, your finger, or a Q-tip, apply the paste directly to your teeth and let the mixture sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. Once set, rinse the mixture off your teeth and then brush your teeth using our normal toothpaste. This whitening paste requires consistent application to achieve results. Results should be visible after three weeks of applying the paste three to four times per week.
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